Apr 19, 2008

Why Many People Fail When It Comes To Losing Weight

10 reasons why many people fail at losing weight.

1) It wasn't your decision to lose weight - you were told by a family member, doctor or friend that you need to lose weight, so you rush out and buy the first weight loss product you can get your hands on.

2) As losing weight had never crossed your mind losing weight will always be something you can do tomorrow - Remember tomorrow never comes. You need to want to lose weight yourself for yourself for you to become successful.

3) You bought a weight loss book which is supposedly easy to follow, there are a number of foods that you can't get your hands on and this is a strict diet that you cannot deviate from. This limits you to only a few of the recipes suggested in the book. Shopping for food is now a pain in the neck.

4) The eating plan is boring, you are given 3 set meals each of which you have to eat every day. You sit and look at your plate of food and long for the foods you love - you then you go on an eating binge, you attack the pantry at warp speed and eat everything you are not supposed to eat in huge quantities.

5) Guilt - After you have filled your body with all of your comfort foods and more its now time to feel guilty for cheating your diet, not being able to let go of the guilt feeling you carry on with your usual eating habits and your weight loss plan has gone out of the window.

6) Your diet stipulates certain hours between each meal - going for long periods of time without food sends your body into starvation mode, your belly is rumbling and even foods you wouldn't normally eat smell so good.

7) Your weight loss program eliminates too many foods from your daily eating plan - you feel deprived of your favourite foods and your weight loss plan turns into a chore.

8) You cannot eat the same meal you prepare for your family at dinner time - preparing 2 different meals for yourself and your family becomes hectic in our everyday busy lives.

9) Most weight loss programs include long, exhausting exercise routines - Really in this day and age who has that kind of spare time??

10) Some weight loss products are far too expensive to continue with for long periods of time, so depending on your budget you could already be setting yourself up for failure.

Weight loss does not have to be hard, it does not have to be expensive and it definitely shouldn't limit you to certain food groups. It's not your fault that you have failed at losing weight. There is a lot of hype in the weight loss industry, just look at those wonder pills that transform your body into the perfect shape, you know the ones $97 for a months subscription and you will achieve the figure of the model on the packet without any work...OK I admit it, I have tried them too, along with countless other products.

After giving birth to my second child I finally found out what a weight problem was, for five and a half years I carried around an extra 30kgs all of which I couldn't get rid of no matter how hard I tried. Research led me to compile an eating plan using every day foods, this plan has helped me to lose 24kg so far, no food is eliminated and nothing is considered cheating.

If I could show you a way to lose weight without pills, potions or replacement shakes would you be interested?

If so check out Get Fit After Kids this book was written by me to help anyone with a weight problem.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tara_Dipalma

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